
It’s not you….It’s me…

I was sitting in traffic. Completely stopped. No movement whatsoever. And no information. It had been about 15 minutes of this. I was heading into work, and it was so close to the space center that it wasn’t being reported on any news or traffic. I felt like my head was going to explode. So, Read More


What bugs me about you is really about me

We talk to Dr. Stephanie Lopez about the first time she experienced The Human Element. She shares stories and examples with us about her journey of self-awareness. She describes the process of discovering that it was her own insecurity that would sometimes trigger behaviors she wanted to change, like being unknowingly passive-aggressive or thinking critical thoughts about others. Her courage and vulnerability are admirable ? listen now to hear for yourself!


The First Time My Self-Concept Got Rocked

Take-aways: My sub-conscious defense mechanisms kept people at a distance I was largely unaware of how I was affecting people Openness is the greatest simplifier – when I am open the Human Element way I took Human Element (HE) in 2009, when I was 3 years into my NASA career as an organizational psychologist. I Read More


Authentic Leadership and Self-Acceptance

Self-Acceptance Podcast Show Notes In this episode, hear from the founder of Key Talent Solutions, Laura Gallaher, how she came to accept herself and lead more authentically.


I’m not perfect, so how could I be a perfectionist?

For a long time, I have denied being a perfectionist. There were so many things I could point to about me, my work, and my life, that were not perfect – so clearly…. I’m not a perfectionist. But I started to accept that I did have crazy, impossibly high standards for myself. The things that Read More


Why I don’t like performance appraisals

Performance appraisal processes fail to achieve the goal of improving performance because they don’t align with how the human brain works! Laura discusses how to actually improve performance and overcome resistance to changing the appraisal process.


Self-preservation vs. problem solving

Why, when it feels like you have the weight of the world on your shoulders, is it the right time to stop and spend a few minutes improving your work relationships with people? I’ll tell you why. As humans, we all have our defenses that get in the way of effective collaboration. And these defenses Read More


Video – Framing Change: It’s Your Choice

Change is hard. People resist change. Or so they say. But if you won $10M in the lottery tomorrow, you probably wouldn’t resist that. We don’t resist change. We resist loss. Because loss is painful. It registers in the brain the same way physical pain does.


Stress of a Start-Up!! Strategies to Channel Stress into Productive Energy

Stress gets a bad rap….but the truth is we need stress to perform. The key is finding the right level and type of stress to maximize our individual performance. In this talk, learn about a variety of strategies that you can use to manage and channel your stress into productive energy. This is a talk Read More


Driving Motivation Without Self-Criticism

The Way We Usually Think (and Feel) I was having lunch with a group of people recently, and one woman (I’ll call her Jane) was talking about her experience at her doctor’s office. She has lived with chronic pain for many years, and she was describing one of her strategies to help her cope. “I Read More