
How Your Team Can Support a Strong Corporate Culture

In order to have a great organization that achieves anything of consequence, you must have great teams. As we partner with teams to help them become more effective,  our focus is on three things: alignment, trust, and collaboration. Alignment ensures everyone is working together and not fighting over priorities, trust provides the social lubricant for interpersonal interactions and collaboration enables Read More


What do We Mean by Organizational Culture from the Inside Out?

Here at Gallaher Edge, we exist to evolve humanity by applying the science of human behavior to organizations. Our work creates transformational change in organizations’ cultures through meaningful and impactful human experiences. As we help companies nationwide navigate changes and improve their organizational culture, we work deeply with the individuals within organizations to build trust, Read More


Why is Organizational Culture so Difficult to Work With?

Every business leader wants to develop and nurture an effective organizational culture, but many feel stuck when their efforts don’t move the needle. Because unfortunately, with culture change, you can’t just flip a switch. You can’t just buy a bunch of beanbag chairs and bring in a suggestion box and expect to create an effective Read More


What is Organizational Culture?

If you want to incite a complex debate, begin a conversation on organizational culture. It exists, we all know that, and we are aware that it’s crucial in shaping behavior in organizations. But for many leaders, there’s something amorphous about the concept, which can make it difficult to change or improve. It’s essential to define Read More


Why is Culture Important?

For many organizations, culture emerges without intention. Yet every organization is designed perfectly to get the results it gets! So, it’s incredibly useful for leaders to pay attention to organizational culture. Every leader wants their organization to be as effective as possible; you pour your heart and soul into your business, your team, and your Read More


What is Antiracism? And why should YOU care?

While topics of racism, sexism, and other forms of prejudice and discrimination on the basis of demographic variables are not our primary focus with our clients, it is a body of work that we believe is incredibly important. It was also the primary area of focus for me when I first entered graduate school in Read More


Evolving Culture from the Inside Out: the Role of Diversity and Inclusion

Our work at Gallaher Edge seeks to evolve organizational cultures from the inside out using the science of human behavior. As more and more U.S. companies are awakening to systemic racism, they are also becoming aware of the value of diversity. We see diversity as one of the traits of healthy companies: it’s not only Read More


How do you create diversity?

At Gallaher Edge, we focus on the interplay between a variety of key elements that together create healthy, mature corporate cultures. We apply the science of human behavior to organizations, using a comprehensive lens to look at issues like Diversity in the workplace. We help companies build the foundation that allows people to feel comfortable Read More


The Critical Importance of Inclusion: A Story About Diversity

The events of 2020 shone a spotlight on the importance of diversity and inclusion, prompting businesses across the United States to find ways to get workplace diversity and inclusion right. Awakened to the impact of privilege and structural racism, compassionate business leaders are seeking to create more inclusive environments for their team members. Diversity is Read More


Meet Our Go-To Tool For Difficult Conversations: FRIC

Whether it’s discussing a workplace mistake, exploring a touchy subject, or communicating with a highly sensitive team member, we all have difficult conversations at work. Instead of putting them off and letting things get worse, which is often a go-to for those who wish to avoid conflict, we encourage approaching them using the FRIC method. Read More